
Which AC Parts Are Most Prone to Breakdowns?

AC parts Your home’s AC is a complex system that makes use of several AC parts. When the weather starts to warm up, your AC sees more use, and underlying repair needs may become apparent. After a long winter, your AC may not be in top condition, and you may not know that until it stops working. Sadly, some AC parts are more prone to breakdowns than others. Here are three to look for if your AC starts having issues.

AC Parts That Are Prone to Breakdowns

  • Leaks. Your AC unit is exposed to the elements and deals with cold winters, hot summers, and a wide range of temperatures. This can cause damage to your HVAC system that includes leaking hoses. A common leak that causes your AC to stop working correctly is that of refrigerant. Without coolant, your AC cannot produce the cold air you need. A professional can fix any leaks and replace the missing coolant.
  • Bad Wiring. Electrical issues can render your AC completely inoperable. Bad wiring can occur in several different parts of your AC and make it so it can’t properly power important parts, such as the fan and compressor.
  • Age. Even a well-maintained AC unit only lasts so long. While many AC units will last longer than 10 years, at around the 15-year mark, you should start thinking about replacing them. An aging unit may simply cost too much money or take too much time to keep fixing. A new AC offers better performance, new features, and increased efficacy.

When You Need AC Parts and HVAC Servicing

In Calgary, we know you have a choice of HVAC service providers, and when you need repairs, you need help as soon as possible. At Arpi’s Industries, we have been assisting homeowners with HVAC repairs, servicing, and replacements since 1963. When your HVAC isn’t working, we can give it a thorough examination, and whether you need new parts or a completely new HVAC unit, we can help you with the best course of action. Contact us today to learn more.

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