
What Does Membership in HRAI Signify to Arpi’s Customers?

What Does Membership in HRAI Signify to Arpi's Customers?The Heating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada or HRAI is a non-profit trade association of the HVAC industry that began in 1968. For more than 40 years they have promoted safety while ensuring responsibility and fairness within the industry that designs, services and installs heating and cooling systems. 

They ensure that only qualified technicians enter their association so they can provide outstanding service to the customers. Membership in HRAI also enables the companies to take advantage of the continued education, training programs and advances in technology. Also, HRAI actively supports and participates in environmental stewardship programs to promote a healthy environment and lower energy consumption.

How does membership in HRAI affect the company?

Companies who want to become members in HRAI must qualify. They have to prove they are not only educated on the standards of HVAC installation but also licensed, insured and registered. They agree with a code of ethics that ensures great customer service, proper installation of systems and environmentally reasonable disposal of outdated items and other wastes.

Companies within the HRAI network have access to leading edge industry news, which allows them to bring state of the art equipment or methods to the customer. By participating in classroom or in house training programs, employees in the company stay informed of the latest developments and maintain a high level of expertise in their areas.

What does our membership in HRAI mean to you, the customers?

First and foremost, it means you can expect timely service done right the first time and accompanied with outstanding customer service and pride in a job well done. You can rest easy knowing that we strive for energy efficiency in our products and aim to leave a better environment for our children through environmentally friendly products. You will know that the products and services you receive are performed by certified professionals.

For more information on how our membership in HRAI affects the work we do for you please contact us at Arpi’s Industries LTD. We have brought outstanding customer service to the Calgary area for more than  50 years.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Calgary, Alberta about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide. Image courtesy of Shutterstock

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