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Reduce Home Cooling Costs This Summer With Step-by-Step Instructions

Reduce Home Cooling Costs This Summer With Step-by-Step InstructionsWith summer around the corner, you may be dreading the inevitable increase in your electric bill. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was an easy way to reduce cooling costs? By following a few simple steps, you can contain costs and still enjoy a cool, comfortable home.

Tips for Reducing Cooling Costs

  • Begin by cooling your home with ventilation instead of refrigeration. Open doors and windows to create cross ventilation and cool the home naturally before the weather gets too warm.
  • Use ceiling fans to make the room more comfortable. Fans don’t actually lower room temperature, but air moving across your skin helps your body cool itself as perspiration evaporates. Turn fans off when you leave the room to save energy.
  • Install a programmable thermostat to optimize the efficiency of your HVAC system. This will allow you to reduce the cooling of the house when no one’s home.
  • Insulate attics and ducts, sealing cracks to make sure conditioned air doesn’t escape and warm air doesn’t enter the home.
  • Avoid heating your home with appliances. Use a grill to prepare a meal instead of the stove. You’ll find cool foods, like salads, are refreshing on hot days.
  • Consider energy-efficient window treatments to let in natural light without letting in the heat of the sun.
  • Invest in Energy Star appliances, particularly an HVAC unit for optimal efficiency.
  • Use exhaust fans in the bathroom and kitchen when showering or cooking to remove excess heat and humidity before it circulates throughout the house.

To reduce cooling costs even further, consult with the experts at Arpi’s Industries. For more than 50 years, our dedicated staff has been serving homeowners throughout Calgary.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Calgary, Alberta about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

Credit/Copyright Attribution: “faysal/Shutterstock”

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