
Optimize Energy Savings In Your Home From Top To Bottom, Inside And Out

Optimize Energy Savings In Your Home From Top To Bottom, Inside And OutAdopting a whole-house perspective of your home will give you a targeted view of out-of-control energy consumption, and allow you to grab hold of your home’s potential for energy savings.

Seeing your house as a whole, and analyzing how it all works together, allows you to maximize the performance of your home-comfort systems.

  • Top – Your attic holds a unique position for your home’s energy-savings potential. During winter and summer, that space requires sufficient insulation, air sealing and ventilation to alternatively keep hot air in and hot air out.
  • Bottom –The basements of most homes generally house the majority of home equipment, including the furnace, air conditioner, water heater and humidifier. Ensuring that these systems operate efficiently goes a long way. While it’s ideal to invest in higher-efficiency systems, which will garner higher energy savings over the life of the equipment, it’s also critical that your home-comfort systems receive regular maintenance. Doing so ensures their safety and reduces buildup so your equipment can operate efficiently. When your furnace, for instance, can work without having to overcome buildup, you’ll reduce wear and tear on the system, while extending its life span, too.
  • Inside – Sealing the air leaks inside your home, around electrical outlets, window frames and doors, for example, will help to keep conditioned air inside.
  • Outside – The exterior walls of your home, often called the “shell” or “envelope,” also contribute to your home’s overall performance. If your home’s insulation is not up to par, in the winter heated air will transfer through the walls, escaping outside. And in the summer, heat from the outside will transfer into the home. In both scenarios, a lack of insulation can cause energy bills to soar.

What has your new perspective revealed about your home? Get the energy-saving potential you need and deserve, and look at your house as a whole to improve energy use and lower energy bills. For help, contact Arpi’s Industries — serving Greater Calgary-area homeowners for almost 50 years.

Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about energy savings and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

Arpi’s services Calgary, Alberta. Visit our website to see our special offers to get started today!

Energy Savings image via Shutterstock

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