
HVAC New Year’s Resolutions

When the new year comes, it’s a chance to reevaluate what you’re doing to improve your life. New Year’s resolutions are made to get fit, lose weight, and do more of what’s valuable. While you’re making resolutions for yourself this year, take time to make some HVAC resolutions as well. They can keep you more comfortable, improve the function of your heating and cooling systems, and save you money throughout the year.

  • Check and change air filters more often: Air filters help remove particulates such as dust, hair, pollen, and fibers from the air moving through your HVAC system. In this way, they keep those pollutants out of your indoor environment. Air filters should be checked regularly—at least once a month in most cases, and more often if your indoor air tends to have larger amounts of pollutants. Make the resolution to check the air filters in your air conditioner, furnace, or heat pump monthly. This will ensure cleaner indoor air while also improving the operation of your HVAC equipment.
  • Have regular preventive maintenance performed: Regular preventive maintenance keeps your HVAC system working at its highest level of performance. It also extends the life of the equipment and reduces the possibility of costly breakdowns. Make a resolution to have preventive maintenance performed at least annually.
  • Seal energy-wasting air leaks: Air leaks in your home’s walls can let significant amounts of conditioned air out. At the same time, seasonal outdoor air can come in. This results in the waste of air that has already been heated and cooled, plus the extra expense of heating or cooling more air to make up the difference. Air leaks in your HVAC system’s ductwork can also mean the loss of conditioned air and money. Seal these leaks with caulking or other appropriate material to stop the air loss.

Arpi’s Industries Ltd. is Calgary’s leader in professional HVAC sales, service, and maintenance. Contact us today for more information on the HVAC resolutions that will be the most valuable to you in the new year and for reliable heating and cooling services when you need them.

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