
Give Your Home’s Performance A Boost With This 7-Step Guide

boost your home's performance calgary albertaYou’ve probably heard a lot about energy-efficient HVAC equipment, appliances and other devices. These types of appliances and equipment are just part of a whole-home approach to energy efficiency. Here is a seven-step guide that combines appliances, equipment and practical measures to significantly boost your home’s performance in energy efficiency.

  1. Seal leaks, holes and drafts. Put weatherstripping around the edges of windows and doors and an air-blocking door sweep at the bottom of doors to reduce air leaks and drafts. Find and seal holes and gaps in the walls, floors, ceilings and areas where the house frame contacts the foundation and attic floor.
  2. Seal ductwork. Find and seal air leaks at joints and connections in your HVAC system’s ductwork; use mastic or metal tape instead of standard duct tape for sealing work. Make sure ductwork sections fit together snugly and that ducts are firmly attached to vents and registers.
  3. Install or add additional insulation in your attic. Improved attic insulation will prevent energy loss in the winter and attic overheating in the summer.
  4. Install energy-efficient windows. Replace single-pane windows with double-pane insulated units with low-E glass. Alternatively, apply energy-saving window treatments to existing windows, and make sure gaps around glass panes are sealed with silicone caulking.
  5. Schedule preventive maintenance. Contact your local HVAC source and schedule a service call. Annual tuneups will keep your heating and cooling systems working at their best and help prevent expensive breakdowns and system failures. Change HVAC system air filters monthly if dirty, or every three months otherwise.
  6. Install and use ceiling fans. In both winter and summer, ceiling fans improve indoor air quality and increase circulation of the heated and cooled air produced by your HVAC system. Direct fan airflow downward during summer and upward in winter.
  7. Install energy-efficient appliances and equipment. If feasible, replace existing appliances, water heaters, HVAC systems and other equipment with up-to-date energy-efficient models.

Arpi’s Industries Ltd. brings 50 years of professional HVAC service to heating and air conditioning work in Calgary and the surrounding areas. Contact us today for more information on improving your home’s performance and reducing your energy bills while improving indoor comfort.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Calgary, Alberta about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about boosting your home’s performance and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

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