
Fans to the Rescue: A Low-cost Way to Boost A/C’s Cooling Powers

Fans to the Rescue: A Low-cost Way to Boost A/C's Cooling PowersWhen the temperature rises during summer months in Calgary, homeowners are often tempted to turn down the thermostat. However, using ceiling fans, attic fans and kitchen and bathroom exhaust units can be helpful in generating a more comfortable indoor temperature when used in tandem with your HVAC system.

While fans do not actually change indoor air temperatures, they do make you feel cooler by circulating the air, which can have a huge impact on your energy consumption, utility bills and general home comfort levels. Using a variety of air-circulating options can enhance your indoor air quality.

Ceiling models – These ceiling-mounted paddle units provide several benefits:

  • The motor is reversible. During warm months, a counter-clockwise setting creates a wind chill factor, while reversing the motor during winter months provides a room-warming updraft.
  • The circulating air feels cooler, allowing you to raise your thermostat by at least four degrees.
  • During moderate weather, the air-circulation can make you feel cooler and allow you to eliminate or cut down on your A/C use.

Spot ventilation — Professionally installed exhaust fans eliminate the causes of mold and mildew in kitchens or bathrooms, circulate air, and will effectively remove:

  • Smoke and smoke film
  • Excess moisture that leads to rot, mold and mildew
  • Excess heat – especially important when using your A/C unit
  • Odors

The more your indoor air circulates, the less energy your HVAC system is using. To extend your energy savings, always turn off air-circulating appliances when you leave the room. For more information about how air circulation and ventilation can boost your A/C’s energy efficiency, contact the experts at Arpi’s Industries Ltd. We’ve been providing quality home comfort solutions to the Calgary area for over five decades.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Calgary, Alberta about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about fans and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

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