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Air Filter Know-how: A Guide for Getting the Best Use Out of Yours

Air Filter Know-how: A Guide for Getting the Best Use Out of YoursWhen was the last time you changed the air filter in your HVAC system? If it’s been a while, or if you can’t quite remember the last time you performed this critical task, today’s the day to not only put this chore on your list, but to set up a regular schedule for filter maintenance. Air filters are only useful when they’re employed as they’re designed to be. Here’s what you need to know to keep your air filter clean and your HVAC system safe. 

Why You Should Change Your Filter Regularly

Air filters need to be replaced regularly. Failing to do so can have consequences like:

  • Forcing your HVAC system to work harder than necessary, resulting in higher energy use and possibly necessitating repair work.
  • Encouraging the growth of mold. Dirty air filters can become wet when exposed to condensation, which can lead to dangerous levels of mold in your system.

When to Change Your Filter

Air filter replacement differs according to your lifestyle. In general, you should follow these guidelines for replacing your filter:

  • Every three months if you live in a pet-free home and no one in your family has airborne allergies.
  • Every two months if you have one pet in your home that doesn’t shed much and no family members with a history of allergies.
  • Every month if you have more than one pet, airborne allergies, if you use your HVAC system more than six months out of the year, or if you smoke indoors.

How to Change Your Filter 

Changing your air filter is a simple process. Follow these steps for a painless replacement:

  • Turn off the HVAC unit.
  • Remove the old filter and dispose of it properly.
  • Use the guide arrows to install the new filter correctly.
  • Wipe down any dirt that you find around the unit.
  • Turn the unit back on and observe it for a few moments to ensure proper function.
  • Note the date of installation in a convenient location.

For further instruction on caring for your HVAC system, contact Arpi’s Industries, Ltd., the plumbing and heating company of Calgary.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Calgary, Alberta about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information about air filters and other HVAC topics, visit our Homeowners resources.
 Image courtesy of Shutterstock

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