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After the Flood: Cleaning Up

After the Flood: Cleaning UpThe excess water in your home is not the only problem you are facing when cleaning up after a flood. The first thing you should do when you return home after the disaster is to avoid any downed power lines and turn the power off to your home to avoid electrocution. If the main power source switch is under water, call a professional to address the problem.

Once the water has been removed from your home, it is essential to begin the drying process. If the power is still off to your home, you can use an external generator to power drying fans and humidifiers. Never run the generator inside your home as the fumes produced can become trapped in your home, which is deadly. When power is restored, you can also use your air conditioner to help dry out your home, and remove mold and bacteria from the air. It is also recommended that you contact your local HVAC professional to come inspect your HVAC unit, including the duct work, for excess mold growth due to the flood.

Unfortunately, it only takes two days for mold to grow, so be sure to properly clean and dry everything in your home to prevent further contamination. The Center for Disease Control recommends using hot water and laundry or dishwashing detergent to clean all hard surfaces, from counter tops to furniture.

When it comes to cleanup, protecting yourself and your family is important. Be sure to wear rubber gloves and boots, as well as goggles and protective clothing. Besides removing the standing water, it is also important to remove contaminated items which can cause mold and bacteria to grow in your home, and reduce indoor air quality. For those items that can be saved, be sure to wash them in hot water or have them professionally cleaned.

For more expert advice about cleaning up after a flood and other issues related to home comfort, please feel free to contact us at Arpi’s Industries. We’ve been serving the Calgary area for more than 50 years.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Calgary, Alberta about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about cleaning up after a flood and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

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