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Arpi's has been providing Calgarians with HVAC service for over 55 years.


The only thing that hasn’t changed is the way we treat our clients.

What doesn't grow old? Excellent customer service.


Arpi Berdin never allowed his company to lose its personal touch. Loyalty to long time employees and time-tested strategies of helping everyday people enjoy their homes in comfort lies at the heart of Arpi’s community-minded approach. This philosophy has allowed us to grow as an independent company.

Arpi's Plumbing, Heating & Cooling with Arpi Berdin

Arpi's is a company that began in the home of Arpi Berdin. One man took his truck and his dog, Chief, to homes and businesses around Calgary, building up a business with his hands, his skills, and a committed approach to the best possible service. With sixty years in business, Arpi’s maintains this old-school approach to doing the best job possible for our Calgary heating & cooling clients.

60 Years as a Calgary Lennox® Dealer

Arpi's was awarded the 2023 Dave Lennox Award for excellence in customer service, outstanding business practices, and superior technical competence. This is the most prestigious business award given by Lennox® Industries, the international heating and air conditioning equipment manufacturer. Arpi's is honoured to have received this award 27 times for going beyond everyday expectations. A worldwide leader in home comfort, Lennox® furnaces and air conditioners have become a standard in Calgary homes.

2023 Dave Lennox Award


27 Dave Lennox Awards 2023 Platinum Club Winner of Canada's Best Managed Companies HomeStars Best of Award 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 & 2024. Best of the Best Award 2022 & 2023. BBB Ethics Awards Winner Safety Certificate of Recognition (COR) Alta Construction Safety Association Award of Distinction (Trail Blazer Award) Certified by the Heating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada (HRAI)
Arpi's Best Managed Companies Platinum Member Award 2023

2023 Winner of Canada's Best Managed Companies!

We are honoured to be recognized as one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies and we have the best team that allows us to achieve such a prestigious award. Here’s to another great year of providing outstanding customer service and dedication to a job well done.

What People Are Saying ...

"The experience with Arpi's was professional and courteous."

Jamie from Calgary