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Take Control During a Plumbing Emergency With These Professional Pointers

Take Control During a Plumbing Emergency With These Professional PointersWhen a plumbing emergency strikes, will you be ready? The consequences of a pipe rupture or a major drain backup can be severe water damage and every minute will count. That’s why getting professional help from an experienced plumber is one of the first priorities. Putting off summoning qualified emergency service while attempting DIY repairs is a strategy for expensive damage and may make a bad situation even worse. Always have 24-hour contact information for a local plumber available and take these steps if a plumbing emergency strikes.

Shut Off the Water

Know where and how to do this before a plumbing emergency. Every adult in the house should be familiar with the location of the main shutoff valve and any tools required to close it. Test the valve once a year for trouble-free operation and contact a plumber if it’s difficult to operate.

Turn Off the Water Heater

Don’t allow the water heater to remain on if you shut off the main water valve. On a gas water heater, rotate the gas valve setting to “Off.” On an electric heater, turn off the power at the switch or at the main circuit breaker panel.  

Drain Outdoor Faucets

Even after the main shutoff is closed, residual water in the system may be substantial and continue to leak through a ruptured pipe. You can more thoroughly empty the system by opening outdoor faucets and leaving them open to allow water to drain out. Be sure to tell the plumber the faucets are open.  

Be Aware of Isolation Valves

Many individual fixtures such as sink faucets and toilets have individual water shutoff valves. A malfunction such as a toilet clog, leaking joint or ruptured supply tube may be managed by turning off the water to the individual fixture rather than the whole house. Know which fixtures have isolation valves and where they’re located.  

For the competent services of a skilled professional when a plumbing emergency strikes, contact Arpi’s Industries, the plumbing and heating company of Calgary. For more information on plumbing upgrades for kitchen and bathroom renovations vist our Plumbing Renos page.

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