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5 Troubleshooting Tips for a Misbehaving Air Conditioner

5 Troubleshooting Tips for a Misbehaving Air ConditionerSummers may be short in Calgary, but once things start to heat up, a fully functioning cooling system is your best friend. Schedule annual air conditioning maintenance each spring to maximize efficiency and minimize repairs, but if you still find your system is misbehaving, try these air conditioner troubleshooting tips before calling for service.

Check the Thermostat Heat Anticipator

A simple modification can mean the difference between frequent temperature adjustments and consistent comfort. If you find yourself continually fiddling with the thermostat, adjust the degree marker on the thermostat heat anticipator so the A/C will cycle on before your home heats up, rather than after.

Test the Condensate Pump

Pooling water is a sign your pump isn’t doing its job. Test it by pouring water into the drain pan. If it doesn’t start up, check to see if there is power to the unit, and if not, call a professional to repair the broken pump.

Consider the Size of Your A/C

Frequent on and off cycling, humidity issues and rooms that never reach the desired temperature are all signs your A/C may be the wrong size for your home. Have your contractor perform a Manual J load calculation to accurately determine the number of BTUs required for your home.

Clean Your Vents

Dirty ducts or vents can disrupt airflow and cause your A/C to malfunction. If you’ve never had your ducts cleaned, or you can see visible dust or debris in or coming from the vents, call for a professional duct cleaning.

Clear Away Debris

The condenser unit of your A/C, located outdoors, requires adequate circulation to function properly. Any dirt, debris or foliage blocking the air intake can reduce efficiency and even cause the unit to overheat. Periodically inspect the area around the condenser, removing debris and cutting back plants. Cover the unit in the winter to protect it from the elements.

For assistance with air conditioner troubleshooting or any other HVAC concerns, call the experts at Arpi’s Industries, Ltd. For over 60 years we’ve been serving homeowners in Calgary, Cochrane, Airdrie and other surrounding areas.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Calgary, Alberta about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Find FAQs, tips, troubleshooting and other homeowner resources for your heating and cooling.

Credit/Copyright Attribution: “preenutPN/Shutterstock”

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