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A Step-by-Step Guide to HVAC Fall & Winter Prep

A Step-by-Step Guide to HVAC Fall & Winter Prep

If there’s one thing you can count on in Calgary, it’s freezing winters!  Our guide to HVAC fall and winter prep can help you get ready for the frosty season ahead. With the thermometer regularly plummeting well below -30°C, preparing your HVAC system to withstand weeks of sub-zero temperatures is crucial.

As specialists in HVAC installation, repair, and maintenance for Calgary homes and businesses, the team at Arpi’s has plenty of tips and tricks to share.

Read on to discover some simple DIY HVAC preparation tasks, the impact energy-efficient options can make, and how a basic professional service can save you hundreds of dollars in energy costs.

When to Prepare Your HVAC System for Fall and Winter

Many people wonder when the right time is to start prepping their HVAC system for the cold season. Chances are that your furnace has been off for months during the summer. This not only means it’s probably dusty, you also may have forgotten about any small glitches or dips in performance that came to light when spring was on the way. Waiting until you need your furnace most is leaving it too late to take care of essential servicing and repairs. With fall approaching, it’s a good idea to book a service for fall furnace maintenance now. This will ensure any required work is completed before hot chocolate season hits.

New Furnace and Heat Pump

If you’re planning to replace your furnace, consider adding a heat pump which can serve as an air conditioner in the summer, boost your HVAC system in the winter, AND reduce your heating bills and carbon footprint! Aim to get the job done in early fall, not only will you benefit from energy and cost savings, but there will also be sufficient time to ensure it’s working optimally before the chilliest months arrive.

Consider an Energy-Efficient HVAC System

In Calgary, household heating is a necessity, meaning a good chunk of the utility expenses are taken up with gas costs. If your existing heating set-up isn’t offering an energy-efficient solution, we recommend upgrading as a matter of importance. Not only will you get the increased reliability that comes from using a newer system, but you’ll also save a significant amount on energy costs.

Remember to use a local HVAC contractor, like Arpi’s, that has a good knowledge of which brands and models of furnace work best in our challenging climate. If you’re considering a heat pump, we can talk you through how to use it alongside a furnace to reduce your reliance on natural gas.

How to Get Your Furnace Ready for Winter

Completing the following simple DIY tasks will help get your furnace ready for winter and give you a good idea of its current condition.

Run Your Furnace Before You Need To

Before those bone-chilling temperatures arrive, we recommend using your furnace for brief periods. This ensures you can pick up on any performance problems and resolve them in good time.

Schedule a Professional Furnace Service

A service provides the peace-of-mind homeowners need that their furnace is in a good, safe condition. Arpi’s professional technicians meticulously clean, inspect and test your furnace, quickly identifying and correcting any apparent problems.

They will also provide expert input on everything from energy-saving tips to product recommendations should it become clear that your furnace isn’t going to last another winter.

Calgary’s extreme climate means sub-standard HVAC just isn’t an option. Trust the team at Arpi’s for all your fall and winter HVAC servicing, maintenance, and performance needs. We are experts in cold climate heating solutions, ensuring every customer ends up with warmth they can rely on, no matter how low temperatures go or how long a cold snap lasts.

Book a Service today!
