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Could Your Furnace Motor Efficiency Be Impacted By An Upgrade?

The Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) rating of your furnace system is determined by the combined efficiency of its parts. These parts include the blower, the heating element and the motor. As the efficiency of each component increases, your potential for savings increases, too. Upgrading the furnace motor efficiency, in particular, can translate to higher energy savings, as well as better indoor air quality.

So just how can homeowners get better efficiency from a furnace motor? With the creation of the Electronically Commutated Motor (ECM), a technological advancement that has literally flung the door wide open for manufacturers to create furnace systems that reach much higher efficiencies. That’s good news for homeowners who live in areas where electricity rates are particularly high, as these homeowners are positioned to reap the highest savings. But homeowners who pay even moderate electricity rates can benefit too.

Higher energy savings are realized with furnace systems that use an ECM, and the benefits include:

  • Lower electricity consumption
  • Decreased natural gas consumption, as a secondary benefit when less electricity is used
  • Lower noise emissions from the furnace blower

Arguably the most significant result of using an ECM with a furnace system, besides its ability to increase efficiency ratings, is the ability to allow continuous fan operation. In the past, previous generations of furnace motors consumed huge amounts of electricity, making it economically unfeasible to run the furnace fan continuously; however, operating the fan throughout the day is ideal, because it leads to improved ventilation and a continuous flow of even heat. With ECMs able to operate for a long time without increasing energy bills, and in fact lowering energy bills, it’s now possible to run the furnace blower to overcome indoor air quality issues.

Investing in a furnace with an ECM, therefore, combines a one-two punch of much higher energy savings while tackling indoor air quality problems.

Increase furnace motor efficiency, and watch your energy savings soar and indoor air quality improve. The experts at Arpi’s Industriesare happy to help. Just contact us today, and we’ll get you and your home on the road to improved efficiency

Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about furnaces and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

Arpi’s services Calgary, Alberta. Visit our website to see our special offers to get started today!

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