It makes sense that to rely on our HVAC equipment all year round, we also need to look after it. With busy lives and so many other things to remember, it can be easy to overlook HVAC service time. These days many people are opting for maintenance agreements so that regular maintenance takes care of itself. The features of such plans mean homeowners enjoy peace of mind and additional benefits, including:
Regular checks and cleaning: Even basic HVAC maintenance agreements include an annual tune-up of the cooling and heating system. This will include identifying any issues potentially affecting efficiency, e.g. dirty filters, and rectifying them. The system will also receive a professional cleaning. This sort of regular attention ensures the equipment’s efficiency is maintained and can mean it lasts longer. Regular checks also provide reassurance that your system is operating safely.
Quick, reduced cost repairs: Any problems that do develop with your cooling or heating equipment will be dealt with quickly. Even on busy days, your issue will be treated as a priority. Maintenance agreements also usually include discounted rates for labor and replacement parts.
Lower running costs: Regular maintenance ensures your system runs at optimum performance levels. Maximum efficiency equates to reduced running costs.
Friendly, reliable service: Getting to know your service provider over a period of time, through maintenance agreements, offers the chance to build a good working relationship. You know you can trust the provider and they treat you as a valued customer. They can even be relied upon to schedule your annual service, so you don’t have to keep track of when it is due.
At Arpi’s, we can offer all of these benefits and more. Contact us today and join the many satisfied customers we have served in the Calgary area for more than 50 years. We offer professional and reliable service.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Calgary, Alberta about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about maintenance agreements and other HVAC topics, downloadour free Home Comfort Resource guide.
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