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Winter Vacation Plans? Don’t Leave Home Without Battening Down the Hatches

Winter Vacation Plans? Don't Leave Home Without Battening Down the HatchesA winter getaway is something to look forward to, especially in the thick of a Calgary winter. Attention to details can make or break a trip, so make sure your winter vacation plans include securing your home to protect it while you’re gone.  Here is a list of ideas to get you started:

  • Call for annual preventive HVAC maintenance. If you haven’t already done so, now is the time to have your heating system cleaned and tuned for the winter. This will not only reduce the likelihood of a breakdown or major repairs, it will increase the efficiency of your furnace, helping to keep energy bills in check.
  • Set your timers. Create the illusion of occupancy by placing several lamps on timers throughout your home, set to go on and off at different times. For added security, try placing a radio or television on one of your timers as well.
  • Ask for help. Call a trusted friend or neighbor and ask him or her to stop by your home once a day to bring in your mail, check door and window locks and look for any other issues.
  • Be prepared.  Leave a list of emergency numbers, including that of your HVAC contractor; should your furnace or any other systems fail while you’re away.
  • Adjust your thermostat. Turn down the temperature on the dial, using the “vacation” or “hold” setting on your thermostat, and turn the furnace fan to “on” rather than “auto”. This step, as well as leaving all interior doors open, will ensure a steady flow of warm air to help prevent your pipes from freezing.
  • Turn off your water supply. Shut off the main water valve and then turn on any upstairs tap for 15 seconds to release any pressure within the plumbing that may draw water into your home in the event of a leak.

For more information or assistance securing your HVAC system as part of your winter vacation plans, contact Arpi’s Industries, Ltd. For more than 50 years we’ve worked hard to build a solid reputation for service and value with the residents of Calgary and the surrounding areas.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Calgary, Alberta about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide. Image courtesy of Shutterstock