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Having Plumbing Issues? Ways to Troubleshoot Before Picking Up the Phone

Having Plumbing Issues? Ways to Troubleshoot Before Picking Up the PhoneWhen you think of the potential summer problems for your Calgary home, plumbing issues aren’t likely the first to come to mind. However, the warm months of summer can cause plumbing problems that don’t occur at other times of the year. Here are five of the most common plumbing issues that can arise during the summer:

1. Clogged Garbage Disposal

Enjoy summer cookouts? If so, it’s important to take care of how you dispose of waste food. Produce might be organic, but used cooking oils and hard fruits and vegetables can damage your garbage disposal and cause stubborn clogging. It’s best to avoid putting these down the garbage disposal and to run cold water before clearing out any food bits.

2. Backed-up Sewer Lines

Afternoon heat build-up creates ideal conditions for summer storms. When excessive rain fall gets into your sewer lines through cracks, it can cause sewer line backups. If you notice water from the toilet frequently backing up into the bathtub drain, it’s time to call a plumber.

3. Washing Machine Maintenance

With school out, you may find that your washing machine gets an extra workout from increased outdoor family activities, such as lake days and hiking trips. It’s advisable to stay home whenever your washing machine is running to address any plumbing issues that may arise from the additional stress.

4. Clogged Toilets

You might also find your toilet gets used more regularly due to the daily presence of kids, friends, and visiting family. Teach children to restrain on their toilet paper usage, and to flush only when needed. Most clogged toilets can be cleared out by someone in the household, but call a plumber if the situation gets too nasty.

5. Sprinkler Problems

If you have embedded sprinklers in your lawn, inspect and clean their heads before the summer months. Additionally, take care to lower sprinkler heads before mowing the lawn.

To learn more about troubleshooting common plumbing issues, avoid a plumbing emergency, or discuss plumbing renovation tips and ideas, contact your local experts at Arpi’s Industries Ltd. Our certified technicians have been providing top-notch service to Calgary and surrounding neighborhoods for 50 years.

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