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Increase HVAC Efficiency by Repairing Holes in Ductwork

Increase HVAC Efficiency by Repairing Holes in DuctworkNothing increases your HVAC bills faster than a hole in your ductwork. By sealing leaks, you can increase HVAC efficiency immediately. Ductwork leaks can increase heating and cooling costs significantly because they send conditioned air to the wrong places, like the attic or basement. 

Repairing insulated or hidden ducts generally requires an HVAC professional, but if you can access your ductwork easily, follow these tips for patching holes:

  • Identify where the leak is. Turn your thermostat fan on, so that it will blow air through your ductwork continually, even when the furnace isn’t running. Then, turn the fan back to auto once you’ve found the hole.
  • Select the right patch. Some ductwork is made from rigid sheet metal, while others are made from flexible materials. If you’re not sure what the material is, take a photo of it. When you go to the home improvement store, you can ask the staff to help you find the right patch
  • Choose the material. A variety of patching materials are available, none of which include duct tape. Duct tape won’t hold up long enough to increase HVAC efficiency. It dries out quickly, especially during the heating season. If you use tape, verify that it’s UL rated and made specifically for ductwork. 
  • Clean the area around the hole. Warm, soapy water can remove dust around the hole, while the patching material seals the hole to increase HVAC efficiency. Let the surface dry thoroughly.
  • Place tape over the hole. Wrap tape around your duct at least three times, overlapping the edges of the tape to create a tight seal. 

Arpi’s Industries, Ltd. can help you improve HVAC efficiency. We’ve been providing HVAC services for Calgary homeowners for more than 50 years.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Calgary, Alberta about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

Credit/Copyright Attribution: “Kichigin/Shutterstock”